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eBook to Flash Magazine 2.4

eBook to Flash Magazine eBook to Flash Magazine 2.4

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eBook to Flash Magazine Publisher's Description

eBook to Flash Magazine is perfect software to create a stunning real page-flipping effect magazine from eBook format documents. It's a good flash magazine creator, a powerful eBook editor, a useful convert. It's worth for you try.
Various eBook format can be converted: *.epub, *.mobi, *.rtf, *.fb2, *.pdb, *.snb, etc.
Enable publish online or just view offline;
A number of Templates and themes for you to use or design directly;
Add magazine title, logo, background image and sound;
Use Google Analytics and Social Share, Email Share features;.
*.html, *.zip, *.exe output format support;
Support mobile device reading (iPhone, iPad and Android devices).

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